Friday, August 7, 2009

WHO IS #88?

Hi There!

This is my first blog, and I'm sure you're wondering, "Who the heck is #88?" Well, let me tell you--"#88" is a very special dog that has embedded himself into the hearts of my friend Claudia and I.

It all started out as an innocent effort to save the life of a dog, and then turned into a twelve-day battle that kept us both up at night and caused us both to endure a great deal of stress. Never in our wildest dreams did we ever imagine that saving a dog's life would become so difficult.

This is the story of Buddy, the shelter dog who was placed in kennel #88 at the Devore Animal Shelter for twelve days in July of 2009. And this is the story of how we saved him from becoming another statistic of a dog who was euthanized. I hope you enjoy it and remember it the next time you see a stray dog walking down the street or crossing your path, or the next time you decide to bring a new dog or puppy into your family and you're wondering where to get one.

As we continue to fight for those who can't fight for themselves........

Lori and her clan--Bozette, Squirt, Niko, and soon, Buddy/Cesar/Noah (I'll explain later)

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